Work Archive


This presentation was developed for the Haines Borough Public Library to teach desktop publishing to the community members of Haines, Alaska. I pulled information from many sources but also spoke from my experience working with many of the most amazing designers at Apple Computer from 1987 to 1996. A graphic designer looks at information and images in a unique way. I hope this presentation lifts a veil and helps you appreciate the thought and skill that is used (or not used) when you read a brochure, look at a poster, stare at a cereal box or view a website.

There are three sections: What is Graphic Design? |  Brand and Identity  |  What makes a page layout work?

The presentation was created in Keynote with a page turn effect. I have to say the PDF version is not too exciting. It’s a lot more fun with a room full of people and lots of questions and dialogue. I love to visit warm places when the snow flies.

PDF: What is Graphic Design?

To accompany the presentation I also created tri-fold brochures. The original files were created in Microsoft Publisher. I am a Mac girl. Which is why I can’t correct the typos without completely re-doing the brochures. Maybe one day. They do need to be updated. Maybe you’ll decide a presentation on Graphic Design is just what your organization needs. Send a note.

Elements: Graphic Design Elements   Principles: gdprinciplesbroc    Brand Identity: brandidbrochure
On the third page of the Brand Identity file is an insert that is probably out of date. has an entirely new logo, but they still have information on graphic design.

From 1996 to 1999 I taught writing, literature and magazine production at community colleges in the San Francisco Bay Area. So when the Haines Borough Public Library decided to start a Writers Club for teens, I was the logical candidate for the job. To begin our journey I developed a presentation based on Dr. Gabriele Rico’s book “Writing the Natural Way.” I love giving this presentation. The writing that emerges is always surprising, sometimes stunning. When I gave the presentation at the Juneau Public Library, it was the youngest attendee (13) who shined the brightest. The whole class loved her work. As I said, I love giving this presentation. I also used handouts I’d created for “Perspectives on Literature” that helped people identity archetypes and storytelling elements.
PDFs:  ArchetypesHandout      ElementsHandout

The Voices Project. One voice can change a life. Many voices can change a community.
In 2006 the Haines Borough Public Library in collaboration with Lynn Canal Broadcasting received a grant from a partnership between the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) and the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). The grant application outlined a program that would increase education and awareness through community collaboration on how drug and alcohol abuse affects peoples’ lives in Haines, Klukwan and Skagway. The application also promised to create a model program that could be used by other communities across the nation. I was tasked with creating an identity for the program and designing and producing any materials needed. The Alaska Library Association awarded the Voices Project the best graphic design for a library program.

The best decision the Voices Project team made was to hire local website designer Steve Vick to create a website. It has everything any community could need to start a program. I’m still amazed at what was accomplished. 

Here are samples of some of the items that were developed. But I encourage you to visit the website. One of the facets of the program was the production of radio diaries to be aired on KHNS. The diary I wrote and produced using GarageBand is called “I Could Have Danced”:

All materials in PDF: Program Brochure program_brochurePosters Aaron_White_Haines | FAS posterReports Annual Report_Year One

Creating rack cards and brochures using an 8.5×11 format that can be printed on demand is a tremendous benefit for small businesses and organizations, especially when the information is constantly changing. To save money, I created a rack card template of 3 up on 8.5×11 sheets. “Art Adventures” is an example of a z-fold brochure.
PDFs: Rack Card Ideas    Art Adventures

Haines Arts Council posters
PDFs: HAC Poster Samples   HACposters  HAC 2017 posters     HAC Poster 2018

Materials developed for an afterschool knitting program at the Haines School Library.
PDFs: Tri-fold program brochure: KnitBrochure  Posters: KnitPosters  Article for library newsletters: knittingarticle

